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The Tao


Introduction to The Tao Te Ching

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What is the Tao? Siraj has had the honor of living with people of the Tao and he understands how deeply important it is to live in its Presence. The Tao is the science of living in a full “let go” through a mind that is nothing but NOTHINGNESS itself. The following Discourses are to help you begin.

This series includes the following Discourses:

What is the Tao?
Siraj will share with you the depth of the Tao as simplicity and how to live this in our lifetime.

How Can We Know The Tao?
To realize the Light of the Tao is to awaken our minds to the art of Wisdom.

What Is Emptiness?
The essence of the Tao is emptiness.

What Is Nothing-ness?
A mind no longer confined to thoughts!
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