
Meditation Workshops & Retreats, Weekly Discourse With Gregory

Meditation Workshops

The Meditation Workshops that precede all Retreats are very important. They offer preparatory work through meditations that Gregory has hand-designed from the vast realm of Tibetan Pulsing traditions. The Meditation Workshops are open to everyone, but are especially important to those who are coming to a Meditation Retreat in order to prepare the “inner ground” for the Retreat experience.

Meditation Retreats

The word “retreat” means to “withdraw from enemy forces”…to “move back from the difficult.” This is exactly what is offered at my Retreats. They are a chance to move away from the “enemy” that lives within – fear, guilt and shame – and come to a place where you can have a direct experience with Love. At all of my Retreats and Workshops, you will find meditation and gestalt therapy artfully presented in the forefront as powerful experiences that dial in your attentions to heal and renew your life.

We all need to “step back” from our daily lives and find a new perspective on living. Within these beautiful spiritual Retreats, you will not be given theology or philosophical platitudes. You will be given methods that offer the direct experience of the Love that lives within you. These are very important moments to those who are seeking to live more consciously.

Open Dialogue With Gregory

Saturdays – 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Aspire offers a weekly interactive Open Dialogue With Gregory live online using Zoom video conferencing. Topics vary and are always meaningful to the process of Awakening.