Living Intrinsically

Living Intrinsically

Living Intrinsically

Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend.
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end. ~The Moody Blues

What does living intrinsically mean? Most of us in this lifetime come to some point where we wonder why we are here and what all this is leading to – if anything. Some of us begin a search when this potentially introspective moment occurs­ to alleviate the level of fear that we have become accustomed to through the course of living indifferent to the intrinsic that lives within. Life is a dance and we can only dance to the music that we feel deep within us.

Most people do not believe that they are beautiful. They do not believe in beauty beyond merely the physical. The mind is set on admiration of the masses and not the simplicity of inner beauty, which comes from a profound energy that is Love. Love is energy and not a concept as most view it. To experience energy means that we must move past emotion and mind and learn how to feel the core energy of Life within us.

Within the intrinsic nature of your being is nothing but LOVE! INTRINSIC BEAUTY that is the ultimate truth of us all. It is deeply rooted in our being and through meditation and tone we can feel its presence within us. Practice with tones and the breath patterns reveal to us the spiritual body, which is referred to as the seven chakras, and lead us to a new place in our spiritual evolution. All we have to do is find the treasure that is covered up and then live from it. Few people can follow this kind of thinking because it means they must remove themselves from the things that separate them from Love.

If I were to give a face to the intrinsic it would be innocence. It means so much more than living in some naïve state of mind. It means to live without the guile that makes my thinking so twisted and ill. It is to live with a sense of virtue.

In a spiritual practice that is authentically revealing, we realize through meditation that becoming innocent again leads us to the place where the beauty of our being, our authentic being, can shine through us in its essential form – Love. To achieve this we must learn how to become innocent again…as children. Both Lao-tzu and Jesus speak of the innocence of children as a blessed state of being. When we posture ourselves in meditation through the state of innocence we begin to let go of pride and vanity and, thus, our minds become clear and beautiful. This is the correct posture for meditation. It means that the mind is no longer seeking or wanting…it is empty and willing to be filled with the Tao.

If you can achieve innocence you will also come to the power of the intrinsic. This means that you will have to drop your suspicion of being gullible. The mind makes skeptics of us all and, in turn, we become hard hearted. Whenyour “understanding” is infected by your suspicious mind there can be no real awareness of the intrinsic within you and you will find that your life is filled with nothing but cynicism that affects the way you live and how you “love” anyone…including yourself. After all, you can only love another in proportion to how you live with the energy that you call “love.”

Life is about being intrinsically innocent. If you can be simple, living without the logic of mind and belief, you will find that your intrinsic life is deeply valuable and finding and living in the intrinsic will become the most powerful endeavor of your lifetime.

Ask yourself: Where do you live from? From where do you operate your life? Observe your daily living.

What is your motive, what is your purpose and why are you doing anything that you do seem to be doing? Remember how you do anything is how you do everything.

Observe how emotions have made you both very cynical and, at the same time, very hopeful. All of this has confused the mind. It is the push and pull of a mind that is thinking.

Simply observe the whole mechanism - seek to see it for what it is without the need to be wrong or right and without trying to change it. It is in this non-critical observation that we come to the meaning of innocence and the intrinsic.

  • Vicki
    Posted at 10:12h, 20 January Reply

    “…But we decide which is right, and which is an illusion.”
    And who IS this “we?”
    “My grandfather of mindfulness must watch constantly after this spoiled child of deluded mind to save him from disaster.” ~~Milarepa

    Thank you, Siraj

  • Mary Roos
    Posted at 22:10h, 22 January Reply

    Dearest Siraj,

    Having the face in every changing landscape of life and being simple is a sweet insight that you so patiently show the intrinsic beauty that lies within each of us.
    To Love……

    My deep gratitude

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